Lead Renovation, Repair and Paint To Go Online

Monday , 17, February 2014 Comments Off on Lead Renovation, Repair and Paint To Go Online

Lead RRP Online TrainingAs times continue to change, so does the way in which training is provided. Although there is no substitute for hands on training with a live, qualified instructor, the ease and convenience of online training is definitely pushing many in the safety training industry in that direction, and Global Environmental Network is no exception to the rule.

Although GENI would suggest taking an in person course before resorting to online, they have begun providing online courses with more to go live in the near future. It is coming up on the 5 year anniversary of the Lead Renovation, Repair and Paint regulation requiring certification, and 5 years is how long that lasts before workers need a refresher course to stay in compliance. With that in mind there are expected to be huge numbers of workers needing the Lead RRP Refresher course in the near future, and to accommodate such numbers they are offering the course online in the near future.

Although the class will be provided online it is still an EPA approved course that will fulfill the training requirements for those working with lead based paint in renovation. These workers will be able to get there refresher training online, on their time.