Heat Illness Prevention: New OSHA Regulations

Wednesday , 22, April 2015 Comments Off on Heat Illness Prevention: New OSHA Regulations

Cal-OSHA has amended the regulations for the Heat Illness Prevention Program. These changes go into effect on May 1, 2015. By this date you must revise and update your Heat Illness Prevention program, train your employees, and implement these changes.

Below is the link to the Cal OSHA guidance document on what employers need to do be in compliance with the new regulations. The document gives a breakdown of the following: the existing regulations, an amended language column, and guidance for implementing the new requirements.

Call GENI to Update/Develop your Heat Illness Prevention Program!

GENI has a host of program development specialists available at your fingertips to support in your program’s updates and changes, as well as new programs. We have fast-turn around and excellent service.

Please refer to the Cal/OSHA guidance on the new requirements, as well as Cal OSHA Heat Illness Prevention Enforcement Q&A https://www.dir.ca.gov/dosh/heatIllnessQA.html

Heat Illness Prevention Training
Global Environmental Network, Inc. offers Heat Illness Prevention classes to meet your needs. Call our office today to schedule your training.