Custom Online Training


Customized Online Training

At Global Environmental Network, we understand the importance of training, which is why we strive to accommodate our clients with customizable training programs that are designed to meet our client’s training needs. We currently offer customizable courses to our clients with a minimum number of students. Programs are tailored to incorporate your policies, processes and procedures.

Online Training

Global Environmental Network is proud to introduce our new Online Training Program. GENI allows you to be trained and certified at the luxury of your own time and in the convenience of your own home. GENI’s online training course is comprised of a program that enables our individual clients and companies to train and certify employees at a reasonable cost.

Our Training programs are lively, interactive and include:


Online Courses

Hazard Communications and GHS Cal/OSHA Online Training
This program provides you with information on Cal/OSHA Hazard Communication and the Globally Harminized System. Hazard Communication The Hazard Communication training is a federal program that provides information to workers and employers about various chemical hazards that exist in the workplace.
Hazard Communications and GHS Federal Online Training
This program provides you with information on Federal Hazard Communication and the Globally Harminized System. Hazard Communication The Hazard Communication training is a federal program that provides information to workers and employers about various chemical hazards that exist in the workplace.
Heat Illness Online Training
Heat Illness Prevention 3395(a) Scope and Application applies to the control of risk of occurrence of heat illness in all outdoor places of employment. Does not exclude other Title 8 requirements such as IIPP, drinking water, first aid. Class covers “safety basics.”


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