Excavation and Transportation Plans


Global Environmental Network, Inc. can prepare or propose project specific Excavation and Transportation Plans. The Excavation and Transportation Plan will establish the procedures the Contractor will use to comply with requirements for excavating, stockpiling, transporting, and placing (or disposing) of hazardous materials. The plan shall conform to the regulations of the DTSC, Cal-OSHA, Federal Regulations, and any other pertinent regulatory agency.

The plans contain the following, but are not limited to the following elements:

  1. A. Excavation schedule (by location and date),
  2. Temporary locations of stockpiled material,
  3. Sampling and analysis plans for areas after removal of a stockpile,
    - Location and number of samples
    - Analytical laboratory
  4. Survey methods
  5. Sampling and analysis plan for soil cover
  6. Sampling and analysis plan for post excavation
  7. Dust control measures
  8. Air monitoring
    - Location and type of equipment
    - Sampling frequency
    - Analytical laboratory
  9. Transportation equipment and routes
  10. Method for preventing spills and tracking material onto public roads
  11. Truck waiting and staging areas
  12. Site for disposal of hazardous waste
  13. Example of Bill of Lading to be carried by trucks transporting material.
  14. Spill Contingency Plan for hazardous material


GENI© can also prepare proposals that discuss remedies for cleanup of:

  • Radiological contaminated soils
  • Minor areas of concern such as recharge basins, ecologically sensitive areas, and an ash pit
  • Final removal actions such as capping of landfills, excavation of disposal pits and a groundwater treatment system, and planned removal actions such as remediation of a medical isotope facility.